Masters of Aesthetics

Highlights from this Issue

Meet the Masters
of Aesthetics

By Matt Bartilson

Are you
really living?

By Angella Nazarian


By Bonnie Zabel

Beverly Bites

By Bruce Hoffman

Meet the Masters of Aesthetics

Our first issue

By Matt Bartilson

Today Beverly Hills has become the epicenter of the aesthetic world. Thousands of people flock here every year to visit some of the world's best cosmetic doctors and specialists. True, there are excellent physicians in most cities. But few have achieved the renown possessed by the masters who hang their shingles a stone's throw from Rodeo Drive in the most famous zip code in the world: 90210.

In this issue of Masters of Aesthetics Magazine, we are proud to feature four unique individuals who are more than merely accomplished in their fields. They are widely acknowledged for being at the top of their crafts, and with good reason.

As we researched and selected these professionals, common traits among them began to emerge. Each of them is a pioneer in his area of expertise, pushing the limits of medicine, technology and beauty to get superior results for their clientele. And their results speak for themselves.

In the world of LASIK eye surgery, Dr. Robert Maloney has distinguished himself in many ways, helping thousands of people throw out their glasses and contact lenses, and elevating laser eye surgery to a fine art.

As the first doctor to appear on ABC's Extreme Makeover, Dr. Garth Fisher brought plastic surgery into American homes and showed us what it takes to bring out inner beauty in us all.

Dr. Kourosh Maddahi has been one of Beverly Hills' premier cosmetic dentists for over 25 years. He recently developed a series of techniques he uses to perform Anti-Aging Dentistry to create smiles with lasting beauty and timeless elegance.

Bringing the whole package together is the task of Image Consultant Eve Michaels. What good is a new smile or a facelift without the make-up, clothes, hairstyle and accessories to show it off? Eve can help you create the perfect look and the perfect you.

Read on, and learn from the Masters themselves.